CALL DATASAVE ON 01922 414546
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Document Scanning Bureau: Document scanning Birmingham, Midlands, UK
Founded in 1995 - DataSave are an established and experienced document management company. Providing a service to all verticle markets all over the UK.
Over 25 years of experience in the document management industry and high volume document processing.
Members of WMITA (West Midlands IT Association), UKITA (UK IT Association), South Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce and Exor and WMCC accredited.
DataSave are ISO 9001 registered via NQA an independent auditor recognised by UKAS.
Current and ongoing customers within county councils, district councils, hospitals, blue chip companies, universities, solicitors and accounting practices
DataSave curently work with 15 local authorities, 7 NHS hospitals and have a total of over 400 customers who we currently manage their document management requirements.
DataSave have the technology, knowledge and ability to transfer many types of documents to electronic images for quick retrieval via CD ROM, corporate networks and the internet, some of these document types include:
A4 – A3 document scanning (Purchase invoices, Employee Records)
Colour A4 – A3 document scanning (Contracts, Technical Graphs)
A4 – A0 drawing scanning (Engineering and technical drawings and plans)
A4 –A0 Colour drawings and plans scanning
16mm and 32mm Microfilm scanning
Microfiche scanning Jacket Fiche and COM
Aperture card scanning
PDF conversion
Save Time
- Find documents when you need them
- No more filing of documents
- Instant access and distribution of information
Save Space
- Utilise your office space
- Keep your documents safe
Save Money
- No more increasing storage costs
- No time spent searching for lost/misfiled documents